Bash scripting

A Comprehensive Tutorial with Example


Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks and streamlining workflows in the Linux environment. Understanding the important concepts of Bash scripting is essential for writing efficient and effective scripts. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to key concepts, along with practical examples and commands to reinforce your learning.

Shebang (#!) and Execution Permissions:

  • Learn about the shebang line and how to specify the interpreter for the script.

  • Set execution permissions using the chmod command: chmod +x

Variables and Data Types:

  • Declare and assign values to variables: variable="value".

  • Reference variables using the $ symbol: echo $variable.

  • Explore different data types, such as strings, numbers, and arrays.

Command Line Arguments and Options:

  • Access command line arguments within a script: $1, $2, etc.

  • Handle options using the getopts command: while getopts ":o:h" option.

Conditional Statements:

  • Use if-else statements for conditional execution: if [ condition ]; then ... fi.

  • Implement case statements for multi-branch decision-making: case $variable in ... esac.

  • Compare values using operators: -eq, -ne, -lt, -gt, -le, -ge, -z, etc.

Looping Constructs:

  • Use for loops for iterating over a range or an array: for item in "${array[@]}"; do ... done.

  • Implement while and until loops for iterative execution: while [ condition ]; do ... done.


  • Define and call functions: function_name() { ... } and function_name.

  • Pass arguments to functions: function_name "$1".

  • Return values from functions: return value.

Input and Output:

  • Read user input from the command line: read variable.

  • Redirect input and output using <, >, >>, 2>, etc.

  • Process files using input/output redirection: cat file.txt | grep "pattern".

Error Handling and Exit Codes:

  • Handle errors using if statements and exit codes: if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ... fi.

  • Display error messages using echo or stderr.

  • Set custom exit codes using exit code.

String Manipulation and Regular Expressions:

  • Manipulate strings using commands like grep, sed, awk, and cut.

  • Use regular expressions for pattern matching and text manipulation: grep -E "pattern" file.txt.

Script Debugging and Troubleshooting:

  • Enable debugging mode: set -x or bash -x

  • Display verbose output for troubleshooting: echo "Debug: variable=$variable".

  • Log messages to a file for error tracking: echo "Error: message" >> error.log.